
改善營養(yǎng)健康 青海省實施兒童微營養(yǎng)素補充項目




    (來源:青海日報 作者:張永春)

Improve Nutrition and Health, Micronutritent Program was Carried Out in Qinghai Province

Recently, Micronutrient program for children in four provinces in western china was launched in Huangzhong, Huzhu and Minhe county of Qinghai Province. Children between 6 to 36 months old in the area will be provided the free micronutrient supplements.

The program is organized by Ministry of Health and Heinz China, aiming to reduce the risk of anemia among children aged from 6-36 months in project localities, and to further improve the awareness to related knowledge on children’s nutrition among township and village doctors and parents, increasing the popularization of parents’ knowledge and behavior regarding scientific principles of feeding. The program is being carried out in the 13 counties, 4 provinces of western China. Huangzhong, Huzhu and Minhe county are the 3 counties that will carry out this program in Qinghai. 

The field research and skill training has been finished and the nurturemate distribution and health training is ongoing.

    (Publication:Qinghai Daily, Journalist:Zhang Yongchun)


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